Hemp Legislation

Hemp can now be promoted as a food in Australia


Congratulations to Australia & New Zealand! As of the 12th November 2017 Hemp foods are finally recognised as such and don't need to be sold as cosmetic ingredients alone.  Our existing packaging currently states: 'At the time of printing, legislation requires us to state "not for internal use in Australia or New Zealand" This will be amended in our next print run to proudly state the new legislative changes, hooray!

Made In Hemp's premium range of hemp food products.

Where to from here? 

Made In Hemp received an Austraian Government grant in 2017 to help set up a "state of the art" hemp processing facility. Once this is up and running and we have successfully trained Australian Hemp farmers to cultivate a new food crop here, we will move from the current imported product from Canada. Bear in mind, the Canadians should be immensely proud of leading the way in hemp food growing and production and currently no other country comes close to providing the consistency and quality coming out of Canada.

Check here for details of specific batch numbers and country of origin labelling in Australia, for both our traditonal certified organic range or new competitively priced conventional range of hemp seeds products. 


Subscribe to our blog for all updates in regards to hemp legislation in Australia - and our recipe page for fantastic ways to get Made In Hemp's hemp seed products into your diet!